Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Malabon Zoo

Speaking of Malabon Zoo, we visited its piss-stained and piss smelling confines during the Holidays so Mariana can see some animals that she otherwise only see on TV.

The small alleyways inside the zoo remain cramped and wanting of better ventilation. These walkways smell of strong ammonia and tigers' shit. Stay on any these cramped sections for more than 10 minutes, and you'll feel on the brink of getting lung cancer soon.

On the positive side, the main attraction of the place is in showing to the visitors the animals being fed:

The zookeepers seem to genuinely enjoy entertaining the crowd.

and anyone can actually request animals to be taken out for pictures (except the fishes of course).

Although there are no elephants and giraffes, it's a legitimate zoo in size, compared to the smaller or backyard-themed Residence Inn or even that smaller one at Tiendesitas.

Malabon Zoo can be improved though, mostly in terms of ventilation.:-)

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