Monday, May 30, 2011

Beer Economic Theory

Actually more a Beer Utility Theory, Beer Global Outsourcing Theory,... but in any case, whatever the alcoholic-drink-fused theory you call it, here it goes:

It was an attempt to answer the questions by the investor: on where (which country) is the best place to invest in? And for the jobhunter: on where is the best country to work in. So the theory goes, a happy person is a productive person, then an "entertained" person is a happy person. Beer is one fuel to make entertainment; or the cost of other entertainment seems to follow the price of beer. The price of beer, check out any country, therefore indicates a utility measure on where is the best place to work in. Beer in the Philippines is cheap, so it follows that the Philippines is one of the best places to work in. The cheapest, happiest, most productive people are here in the country. So, check the price of beer (and also the quality) if you're planning to invest or work in another country. 

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