Monday, January 31, 2011

Breaks anyone's heart anytime

I was looking for a photo of something "dirty" to put in a presentation on Green initiatives. I remembered shooting an estero in Quiapo two years ago. I found this photo together with those other pictures of Quiapo. 
Shot it on the way down the big underpass of Echague and Hidalgo. In sweltering heat, this 'supposed' mother and daughter are sitting on the stairs, begging. 

Why 'supposed?' You know they're most probably part of a syndicate, but you still can't help give money. Any parent would, seeing a child suffer like this. 

I remembered it also got me thinking minutes after dropping a few change. I thought that no parent would allow his or her child be pandered for money like this.You will not allow your infant child be exposed in extreme noon heat and dirt of Quiapo, aggravating probable pain the baby is already feeling. 

When I come back in the same underpass, I won't be surprised to see this woman again in the same location, with a different disabled child in tow. I won't be surprised if I forked over money again after seeing her and her prop. 

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