Friday, January 21, 2011

Garbage training

I am advocating a colleague's "Executive Training" at Harvard. I want this colleague to not waste any time any more on garbage courses that are being offered by companies like Macrovision Consultancy.

It's been almost ten years since Macrovision President Margel Jajurie, this person...

demonstrated the single most annoying seminar that Ive ever attended.

I hate to single out a company who's striving to earn a decent living by offering these courses, but
but Marjel Jajurie is teaching Ishikawa diagram so proudly like it is a new revolutionary tool in Quantum Mechanics. Ishikawa is just a diagrammed chart of why-why-why, that's it, youre not delivering a fresh proof from a Fields Medal scientist, madame.

More than the money spent (they range from 5000 to 8000 per head), Jajurie wasted our two days. And most of our two days are spent on our own, supposedly learning on our own... meaning on workshops. A day went this way: Jajurie will speak for 10 minutes, and then she will command that we do a workshop.

For someone who's espousing to be the expert of the 7 QC Tools (which are stupid common-sensical charts and pictureforms anyway), the lecture is sparse and uninspired. And she also had the audacity to attack one of my classmates for not listening at one point, in her same droning voice,  awkward syntax, and ungrammatical spoken english.

Im surprised to be led to this company while I was looking for good local courses, which our newbies can attend. Don't waste your time enlisting Macrovision on anything.

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