Thursday, October 21, 2010

iPod and Headlights!

This is our original art, original concept.from an original shoot :-) 

Why suddenly I had an inkling to look for it and post it here? It's because I am suddenly having second thoughts on buying an iPod Touch, which I have budgeted for several months ago. My problem is still storage space. 

It's also saddening that Apple seem to be abandoning this iconic original iPod. In fact the first time they called it 'classic,' it already seemed to connote old and leftover model. Now there's zero refresh to this icon.   

And to add to this sadness the iPod on the left was stolen. We hope the new owner is enjoying its 160 GB, while the thief wakes up one day with malaria and lupus combined.  

The iPod on the right is still alive and delivering great podcasts. Invaluable while driving.

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